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I just had to write and let you know that while I have played some modded levels before, nothing has really gotten me as excited as when the game originally came out, until I Hate Mountains. —Sean (by e-mail)

Are you ready for more of the same?

Posted by Marc in Media, Progress

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Hi folks, it’s been a long time, but here are a few words to give you some news about I Hate Mountains. We know there is still some minor issues in our campaign and I’m personally working on fixing these since a few weeks now. I’ve been working on it during my occasional free time so it sure took a long time, but I think a patched release is on it’s way sooner than later. That’s why I’m posting this article right now.

If I’d have to summarize the updates that have been made, I would probably mention:

  • Updating some graphic elements to make it look better.
  • Various tweaks and fixes on the gameplay.
  • Some optimization of certain complex areas.
  • Fixing the score/points for the versus part of the campaign (which is the most important for you, we know).

Currently I’m doing some play-tests with colleagues during lunch time and it kinda comfort me that you should have this new patched version soon. So, are you ready to be part of the I Hate Mountains adventure once again?


Also, check out these guys playing on I Hate Mountains on Left 4 Dead 2.
There is a few epic moments!


2 Responses to “Are you ready for more of the same?”

  1. Silencer says:

    Thanx for this great campaign! Eagerly waiting for the update. Keep up the good work!

  2. Charlie Sheen says:

    Jesus christ you guys in the video really suck at this game… haha :p x