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This may be a fan-made project, but it's a must-play if you are looking for a reason to revisit Left 4 Dead. —Ben Kuchera (

Releasing IHM 1.2 for L4D1 and IHM2 for L4D2!

Posted by Marc in General, Progress

Beware, there has been a confusion between the Left 4 Dead 1 and Left 4 Dead 2 versions of the campaign on the mirror. If you had downloaded it for Left 4 Dead 2, you might have ended up with the Left 4 Dead 1 version. This issue is now fixed.

This is it! No, we ain’t speaking about the Michael Jackson post-mortem movie but about the Left 4 Dead 2 version of I Hate Mountains subtly dubbed I Hate Mountains 2! We are hereby releasing the 1.2 version of both Left 4 Dead 1 and Left 4 Dead 2 versions of the campaign.

It certainly took time, almost 8 months… At the beginning, we honestly thought this port would be a piece of cake, but we just couldn’t figure how difficult it would be and how life would change for each of us following the release of the first version. Between missing content, broken features, crashes and unexplainable issues, we were really this close to give up during these last months.

I Hate Mountains 2 Poster

To be entirely honest, the 1.2 version for Left 4 Dead 1 was already finished for a few months (since august 2010 to be precise), but due to a huge lack of motivation (we’re working on it for over 2 years now) and Nicolas’ departure who decided to move and directly hate mountains in Canada, we had almost stopped the Left 4 Dead 2 port. But finally, we decided to keep going on when a Polycount manager asked for an interview and fresh news about it. We realized that some people were still waiting for the Left 4 Dead 2 version and we didn’t want to disappoint them.

We worked hard on it and we managed to fix everything we could. But despite all our efforts, some minor issues remain unsolvable as of today. Those are actually listed on the I Hate Mountains forums and in the README.txt file included in the download. But you should still be able to play the Left 4 Dead 2 version in quite an optimal way compared to what we thought would be achievable. We really spent a lot of time to test the campaign with a fellow French gaming team which allowed us to fix plenty of unusual and rare exploits.

Finally, You should keep in mind that this new version of I Hate Mountains is really an exact port of the Left 4 Dead 1 version. We didn’t spend much time tweaking the maps with the new available assets, but above all we didn’t change our specific art direction (it’s still dark). By the way, we thank Valve for the last DLC for both games that allowed us to use the old survivors in Left 4 Dead 2 and to preserve the true spirit of the campaign.

Click here to download I Hate Mountains

We hope you will enjoy I Hate Mountains again, be it with the updated Left 4 Dead 1 version or the new Left 4 Dead 2 one with all the features and improvements of the second game. You can enjoy it right now on this friendly French server: Left4dead2 ‘playersfactory’

For help and support, please visit:
If you can’t find help in the forums, you can try to drop us a word here:

It’s finally time for us to think about other things and return to our regular lives. Thank you for your support during these last two years and keep an eye open for more in an highly hypothetical future… :D

Best regards,
— The I Hate Mountains Team:
— Nicolasvegas, Marc and Geoffroyware, there


29 Responses to “Releasing IHM 1.2 for L4D1 and IHM2 for L4D2!”

  1. Trollolol says:


  2. Miami Vince says:

    Salut les gars…

    Et bien voilà, il n’y avait pas de quoi s’alarmer! Elle est là!!! Enfin ^^

    Depuis hier soir 20.00 et jusqu’à ce matin 6.00, le serveur n’a pas désempli, c’est dire… Il y avait beaucoup de monde à la porte… Comme quoi, le succès est au rdv…

    Encore merci pour tout !!! Bonne continuation… Et on vous attend évidemment pour un versus !!!

    C’est vraiment du travail d’orfèvre!!! 21/20

  3. BigDaddy says:

    That’s funny, we really waited for IHM l4d1 version, played and enjoyed it, so we downloaded it today for l4d2 to enjoy it some more – no textures, no models, everything is bugged to hell.So we started to dig, since we didn’t believe you guys could release such shit – and we found the problem.We downloaded from MODdb, and guess what? Link on your site gets us to download l4d1 version from MODdb.Guess that was the problem, downloading l4d2 version from l4dmaps, hope that helps.

  4. ENEMY of the SUN says:

    Excellent boulot !! VRAIMENT excellent !!! L’attente en vallait la peine :)

  5. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Frederico Lohmann Jr and Frederico Lohmann Jr, IHM Team. IHM Team said: Right, everything's in order now. We are releasing IHM 1.2 for L4D1 and IHM2 for L4D2! Check it out: […]

  6. Ph3nyx says:

    Je vous l’ai déjà dis plusieurs fois , mais vraiment un super boulot , un grand bravo à toute l’équipe !

  7. tilde says:

    Salut, je pense que les problèmes viennent du fait que sur moddb le fichier pour l4d1 pointe vers le fichier de l4d2 et le fichier de l4d2 vers le fichier de l4d1.

    J’ai pas fini de télécharger mais le nom de fichier pour l4d2 est
    et le fichier pour l4d1 :

  8. Geoffroy / IHM team says:

    Please notice that there is apparently a little confusion between L4D1 / L4D2 links for the campaign on ModdDB. You can still download the campaign using the other mirrors until we fix this.


  9. nico says:

    Très certainement la meilleure campagne sur laquelle il m’est été donné de jouer. Du bonheur en barre pendant 5 niveaux. Merci beaucoup !

  10. Andre Luis says:

    Amazing campaign, your work is excellent.
    Thanks again.
    I am playing Portal prelude agains, and it´s the best.

  11. kondor7 says:

    Bien joué pour le portage.
    Une des meilleurs campagnes customs !!

    PS : You can enjoy it right know -> “now” ;)

  12. Silencer says:

    Thanx guy, keep up the good work!

  13. Bazrael says:

    Having a question, would you join community lines in I Hate Mountains 2? There were some unused community lines for L4D1 survivors when The Passing released. The voice files are in this folder:
    left 4 dead 2\left4dead2_dlc1\sound\player\survivor\voice
    I think Francis’ lines, dlc1_communityl4d106 & dlc1_communityl4d107, should join them at the intro of I Hate Mountains 2.

    And, thank for IHM team represented this awesome campaign for us, appreciate you guys!

  14. […] Releasing IHM 1.2 for L4D1 and IHM2 for L4D2! « I Hate Mountains (tags: l4d2 games) […]

  15. […] Releasing IHM 1.2 for L4D1 and IHM2 for L4D2! « I Hate Mountains We really spent a lot of time to test the campaign with a fellow French gaming team which allowed us to fix plenty of unusual and rare exploits. Finally, You should keep in mind that this new version of I Hate Mountains is really an exact . les problèmes viennent du fait que sur moddb le fichier pour l4d1 pointe vers le fichier de l4d2 et le fichier de l4d2 vers le fichier de l4d1. J'ai pas fini de télécharger mais le nom de fichier pour l4d2 est . […]

  16. Mike576 says:

    Awesome! You guys have to get featured by Valve. I’m gonna play both L4D and L4D2 versions.

  17. A friend recommended I download this map for a group game that’s going on tonight. I downloaded the L4D2 version and played it solo twice yesterday and guess what… I LOVE IT!!! I didn’t play the first game much (boo hiss at me, I know), but I’ve got a little over 300 some odd hours logged in the second game and this is absolutely one of the best custom maps I’ve ever seen. You guys rock my socks with awesomesauce :)

  18. Louis says:

    Ca crash sur L4D2 et dès qu’on spawn on se mange une horde lol wtf

  19. Miami Vince says:


    Une dispo pour un versus un de ces quatres ??? Ou alors vous avez peur?

  20. Shaft says:

    Wow! – Just WOW!!

    You guys are ROCK STARS!!!!


  21. Le Ranger says:

    Dear Nicolas & team,

    I forgot about playing -any games- lately (except SOF2 lol), then I suddenly remembered the “I hate mountains” project…
    Was I dreaming ? Nooo ! What an excellent & killer surprize to see that : HERE IT IS !..
    Its like having a second Xmas time !!!!
    Thank you so very much for your work and for the conversion to L4D2.
    My friends and I had great laughs playing your campaign and will have plenty more for a long time that’s for sure !!!! You made our day, we hope that you are proud of yourselves because you can REALLY be.
    I admire your work, humour, tastes, and most of all the time you put into this.
    You should be hired by Valve or another game company !!
    You are very good guys, keep on creating a better world for (zombie)mankind and “bonne continuation avec toute ma gratitude une nouvelle fois”.
    Merci les chefs !

  22. Trunten says:

    Valve released an update about custom particles for L4D2… maybe this will help you.

  23. Trunten says:


    I have a friend who is a mapper. he also does “ports” of L4D maps for usage in “Garry’s Mod”.

    I’d like to see the mansion/manor map ported into Garry’s Mod, because he has all ready attempted it (and it works for the most part) but says you guys haven’t granted permission.

    Because I’m curious, I’d just like to know why you’d be against fans wanting to play the map in a mod? Of course he’d give each one of you proper credit. He just wanted to talk to you more about it because it’d be easier to port if he could use your source files.

  24. Anto says:

    On vient de la rejouer, et elle est vraiment toujours aussi excellente et superbe !

  25. Not bad, my friends. I like that you took the trouble to offer a version of IHM in L4D2.

    My only complaint is that often I wasn’t sure where to go:

    I saw the helicopter crash, but it took a couple resets before I found out that the game continues at the hole the crash makes.

    The dialog didn’t make it clear that the final rescue boat will arrive next to the house with the radio and that it would take quite a long time–I nearly died as I left looking for rescue elsewhere.