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I just had to write and let you know that while I have played some modded levels before, nothing has really gotten me as excited as when the game originally came out, until I Hate Mountains. —Sean (by e-mail)

Oh boy, is it already June 2010?

Posted by Nicolas in Progress


I can’t believe we’re already the 4th of June 2010.
Guess what happens today…
at some point of the day…
later this evening…
around 8pm GMT…


96 Responses to “Oh boy, is it already June 2010?”

  1. Holger says:

    … around 8 pm gmt maybe mean 8.30 pm gmt ;-(

  2. vkdemon says:

    Just be patient…

  3. Amelie says:

    omg, guys, don’t be so stupid

  4. vince says:

    c’mon, just as babies during delivery, it can require more time than expected … just push :)

  5. TPC_Mutiny says:

    Come on, give us a link already, it’s 20:11 by my watch ;-)
    Hoping to get a game going tonight :-D

  6. =D says:

    Guys, other people already pointed it out : it’s just not 8 PM GMT+0 yet.
    Mind the daylight saving times in your area …

  7. Alex says:

    Greenwich time is UK time and right now my computer says its 20:24

    • Amelie says:

      Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the same all year around. There is no Summer Time / Daylight Savings Time.

      Current UK Time is UK Summer or Daylight Saving Time (GMT+1)

    • =D says:

      Alex> actually, that’s only true half of the year and you’re not in the good half of the year ;)

      UK time is Greenwich time (GMT)… when not in summer time.
      When you reset your watch in Spring to add an hour, you end up in Greenwich time + 1 hour (GMT+1 / UTC+1).
      When you do the reverse operation in Autumn, you go back go Greenwich time + zip (GMT+0, UTC+0).

      • James Curtis again for the millionth time says:

        Let’s not worry about when it will release exactly and just refresh like crazy, like me :)

  8. Alex says:

    Sorry, Greenwich time in uk is an hour later. :0

  9. Dope says:

    Oboy have been waiting for 1,5 year and it’s finaly now. Ps were to download it from?. ?
    And lots of thanks to IHM team

  10. Hattori says:

    20:33 GTM where is the campaign?

    21:33 in spain

  11. zepmastor says:

    not its 20h00 gmt + 2 in french 22h00 espagne too

  12. Marc says:

    21h39 here :) Not 22h! Ahaha ^^

  13. bakscratch says:

    For the time look at the comment time thats the time they are going from.

  14. smalink says:

    10 minutes. I hope it’s valve time^^

  15. Marc says:

    Incomiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggg !!!!

  16. vkdemon says:

    OMG, it’s here… with russian mirror… downloading now!

  17. LeiZh says:


  18. Ja-Forces says:

    Nice work, Guys. Good Luck!!!

  19. songouki says:

    De las campañas mas esperadas , nos deja asombrados el gran trabajo de uno de los mejores mappers de hammer , grandes toques de humor por parte de Francis ….Campaña de nivel superrior …. una ves mas supera a los diseñadores originales de L4d …… ya lo habian echo en portal y repite la azaña