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Just beat I Hate Mountains, amazing quality rivaling Valve maps as expected. Some very clever ideas used + some great new/remixed dialogue! —James_Freeman (

Best. Trailer. Ever.

Posted by Nicolas in General

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Our last news got a bit buried under this new Left 4 Dead 2 trailer, don’t forget to check it out too and understand why it takes us so long to release something good.

By the way, don’t expect our trailer to be this awesome…


9 Responses to “Best. Trailer. Ever.”

  1. Dzamir says:

    Fucking AWESOME!!

  2. Mars says:

    Woah. So there is a God. And he must like me very much.

  3. stocker says:

    I still maintain i will be waiting until its 20-25 dollars on sale before i get it.

  4. defrisselle says:

    What Stocker said…
    Besides, I bought the demo.
    I just wish Valve would stop "fixing" the demo with each update.

  5. stocker says:

    bought the demo? what?!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Looks like an awesome movie, better than Zombieland maybe.

  7. defrisselle says:

    Yeah, L4D!
    I'm going to wait at least a year before even considering purchasing this. I want to see how well it gets supported first.
    Burn me once! Shame on you!

  8. stocker says:

    defrisselle… same here… or if it drops to 20-25 during the holidays then i might pick uit up

  9. adamnodelijk says:

    We expect trailer to be this awesome:D