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This is the type of quality custom campaign I've been waiting to see since L4D first came out, and by god it is awesome. —blownchunks (

Is anyone there ?

Posted by Nicolas in Lamentation, Media, Progress

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Hi back, I’m writing this from home, where I’m constrained since a few weeks… It’s been a terrible mess recently and we kind of lost our goal with this campaign. As I’m writing, I don’t really know where my team mates are and I don’t really know if they’re still working on their part of the campaign since I didn’t had any news for a few weeks. I became sort of Internet-anonymous in the past few weeks and didn’t bother much about anything else than my health.

Anyway, we’re not out of business. I was already done working on my maps when the accident happened, so I wasn’t even delayed. Last time I talked to Geoffroy, he was still working on his map and I don’t really know what Marc is doing for the moment. The point is that we’re really close to completion, it must be something like 85 or 90%, but we definitely need to refocus and clean the mess to restart the motivation machine.

With Left 4 Dead 2 coming along gently and some really creative campaigns starting to pop up from everywhere, we perfectly know we’re a bit endangered right now. We’ll talk about this a bit later and report here once done. In the mean time, if you know about some very good Left 4 Dead campaigns, feel free to post some links in the comments, I was out of business for a few weeks and probably missed some good things.

I know this article doesn’t sound really good at first, but that’s the way it is. And for the moment, we never even though about canceling everything (Ok, maybe once or twice in a desperate moment). We know it’s been more than two months, and boy… that was some terrible two months. But stay tuned, or just grab the RSS feed to avoid missing something. We’re not giving up yet!


46 Responses to “Is anyone there ?”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I absolutely cannot wait for this campaign to release. I have been waiting for some real professional material. I'm sure Bioh4zard2 and IHateMountains are going to rock the L4D world!! Keep the good work up!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I'm really looking forward to this campagin and hope that it does get released one day! Don't give up!

    Hope you feel better soon, too!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Dont gice up guys this campaign looks too beautiful to be thrown away!!!

    It will blwo the l4d community away!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    @Nicolas, that's good to hear man. Really good stuff.

    Will definately be looking forward to this. Best of luck to you guys!

  5. Philippe says:

    I just hope you'll get better.


  6. Smokeyoliv says:

    Hi Guys, this post doesn't sound so Bad, in fact, i can see motivations between your words.
    We are still exciting by your work.

    But to talk about recent campain, one of the most interseting one, is Heaven Can Wait. It's a long campain, with, very few bugs compair to others, looking like an official one.

    Continuez à bien bosser, même si l'on doit attendre 2 mois de plus. Votre travail est reconnu.

  7. Anonymous says:

    i just read recently in a gamging magazine that valve are trying to add a new feature in L4D2, where they would pick existing maps made by indie devs that used PCs and put them on the xbox 360 game as dlc! i hope you consider making this L4D2 compatible when it comes out and think of the new possibilities with the director being able to control weather and randomised map layout imagine your cave map utilising this feature! Anyway good luck and don't give up!

  8. smokeyoliv says:

    Hop ! Septembre is there !
    So it's school Time…
    Time to do its homework.

    hope to see you soon

  9. Anonymous says:

    hope you get well soon.
    the campaign looks promising.
    don't give up just because of L4D2.
    but health comes first.

  10. Name says:

    This campaign looks amazing, please don't stop working on it.

  11. Anonymous says:

    the only good campaign i know is death aboard, the others i tried where piece of crap (night terror, silent hill, concrete bayou, naniwa city, powerstation, …) and i didn't even tried the low rated maps on (which sounds REALLY CRAPPY !!!). Back to school is well constructed too (as campaign) just lack some music (and less trees)

  12. annie3.1415926 says:

    Portal Prelude was awesome, and I can only imagine that any maps made by you for l4d will be equally as amazing. the screencaps have had me itching to play this campaign for months. I'm definitely still downloading it whenever it comes out, whether it's before l4d2 or not! (and hey, they might make it easy enough for you to make the map accessable in l4d2 with fun different weapons and SI and stuff!) Regardless, keep up the good work, can't wait for it to be out!

  13. samlan says:

    please post some updates =\
    I've been checking back every day…

  14. Doc-JJ says:

    salut l'équipe, j'espère que la campagne avance sans encombres pour vous.

    Je fait moi aussi parti des geeks qui viennent tous les jours sur votre page. J'attent avec impatience des news de "I Hate Mountains".
    Cette campagne à l'air aussi prometteuse que "Death Aboard, ou encore "Dead Before Dawn" (encore en prod).

    Au faite voici un lien qui devrait surement remotiver les troupes :
    Eeeeet oui, Valve va faire des vous hommes riches et célèbres!!!!

    Vite des news les gars, avant que je fasse une attaque!!! ^^
    Merci beaucoup pour tout le travail que vous accomplissez pour la communauté L4D.

    see yaaaaaa

  15. Doc-JJ says:

    merde dsl jme suis trompé de copier/coller!!! loooool
    voilà le bon lien :—Du-contenu-personnalise-sur-Xbox—-i15739.htm

  16. I am a hungry zombie that just wanna eat some new stuff!

  17. Anonymous says:

    you should finish it… who cares about L4D2, do it for us Australians… yeah thats right, L4D2 is getting banned in Australia, WTF!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Finish this already! I can't wait any longer to play it!!! :o(

  19. Anonymous says:

    This campaign will most probably be never be completed. Shame :(

  20. Geoffroy says:

    please, stop complaining. The development is still going on. We probably will release some fresh news soon. Be patient and stay cool ;)

  21. Anonymous says:

    i dont know about your accident but i kept reading your articles for the last few months and i really hope you finish what you started! we wait for your campaign and its worth it, i am sure!