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BRAVO. What a BEAUTIFUL campaign, with an extraordinary amount of variety to the setting that all somehow tied together still. I also love the alternate routes offered--it makes replayability a sure-thing. —Michael (on the L4D Mailing List)

Archive for the ‘General’ Category


I Hate Twitter…

Posted by Nicolas in General

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but still, we’re giving it a shot. You may have noticed the huge ugly block that appeared on top of the website*. It’s a place dedicated to hype and modernism, a place were our tweets sit. Okay, we’re not going to explain you how Twitter works, but now if you’re interested, we might give some more frequent but less interesting news about what we do with the campaign via this trendy website. Or we might get bored real quick and throw this thing away. We’ll see.

* Or you may not see it at all, Twitter kinda sucks bad with this thing, sometimes it loads, sometime it doesn’t.


Advertising and notifying

Posted by Nicolas in General, Progress

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Just a quick note to tell everyone to try the Suicide Blitz campaign for Left 4 Dead 1. We don’t know the guy who made it, but kudos to him, we were asbolutely thrilled when we played it yesterday. The campaign is brilliant and beautiful, full of details and sweet lighting. Plus, the ambience is really great, the difficulty high enough for a great challenge and the optimisation is quite good too. The five maps and the overall campaign are a bit too long (took us almost 3 hours in advanced) but it’s definitely worth a try. One of the best campaigns we stumbled upon for the moment.

Aside from this, we’re still working hard on the campaign. And as you can see with the semi-chaotic release of Dead Before Dawn a few days ago, we were absolutely right when we talked about how bad Left 4 Dead 1 was supporting custom campaign. That encourage us to wait more and more, until Valve releases the patch they’re talking about for months.

On the bright side, our maps are finished. Two of them are in the optimisation process, four of them are in the final navigation meshing process, and then it should be finished for good. We won’t give any hint on a possible release date for the moment, we’re not planning anything since there’s too much unanswered questions for the moment. What’s sure is that we won’t release anything until Valve fixes Left 4 Dead 1 for good. But for the moment, they still have some time.

PS: Ok, the guy’s named R.T. Frisk, see in the comments.


Best. Trailer. Ever.

Posted by Nicolas in General

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Our last news got a bit buried under this new Left 4 Dead 2 trailer, don’t forget to check it out too and understand why it takes us so long to release something good.

By the way, don’t expect our trailer to be this awesome…