We know it’s been seriously quiet there since mid-may regarding new materials, but don’t panic! We’ll have plenty of new things to announce in the upcoming weeks. No, not a release date unfortunately, but some crusty details about the manor (exterior detailling stuff), the lumberyard (progress stuff), the lakeside (progress stuff), the forest (gameplay stuff) and the underground (ambience stuff).
And if you’re patient enough, we might even release some details about the music and a super-secret-new-poster-because-the-current-is-not-cool-enough. But shhht! Nothing’s really fixed for the moment. If you’re really patient, we might even whine and lament on one or two things (one of them beeing Valve, of course)!
Stay tuned for more developer banter coming soon!
Edit: As you may have noticed it, there’s still no news for the moment. The reason is simple, I suffered a very bad lungs accident a few weeks ago and had to be hospitalized for a while. I’m now in the process of cancelling my trip to USA next month because of the damn utterly expensive american medical system :D
I can’t take the risk of beeing indebted for the rest of my life for the moment.
Keep up the great work and take your time, guys. We're waiting patiently. :)
No rush guys, my gaming habits aren't going to be changing soon. Looking forward to release very much (I'll get back into L4D again)
Make it for VS too! i have a bad feelig this will be the last Valve quality campaign.
We're waiting patiently.
Looking forward for the next update.
Keep up the good work!
It's ok. I play what I want when I want, but Left 4 Dead always has it's own spot in my playtime. So don't worry, I'll play your mod when it's released. (It's gonna be an addon campaign isn't it ;) )
I hope the new Poster didn't hold your work back on the campings.. Can't wait to see it, your camping is gonna be awsome!! Keep up the great work!
I cant wait! Ive been waiting for this mod so me and my friends can get back into L4D again.
Take your time, the campaign looks amazing so far. I can't wait to play it.
as long as you guys are chilling, I'll play Death Aboard and stuff like that! ;) Do you know this campaign and will I hate Mountain be better?
Best regards, Roque
Bonsoir, je tenais à vous signaler une brève apparition dans le dernier numéro de JOYSTICK magazine (numéroté "4H" avec en jeu de la couv' L4D2). On mentionne brièvement vos positions sur l'annonce de L4D2, et c'est l'occasion de faire de la pub pour votre site/campagne !
Eng : I won't translate it, that's just to tell us a french magazine is talking about there campaign.
Good luck, and don't rush, we can be patient ;)
numéro "5H" en fait ;)
Oui oui, nous sommes au courant. Ce sont eux qui nous ont gentiment sollicités pour avoir un avis sur la question.
Ha, au temps pour moi. ;)
Hmm Waiting for an Update. Would be really great if there's something coming this Week. A Few Pictures or something. Nothing big or giant.
I hate Mountains and Dead Before Dawn. The biggest Campaigns. I am so interested how it's ingame!
One more question. Do you want to release before Dead Before Dawn will release, to get more Players for your Maps or something like that?
kaibear, it's not a competition
I can't wait! I loved Portal: Prelude, and I can't wait to play your new campaign! Nothing but good things from you guys :)
Another comment that come to me this week : keep working hard on it please, because i hope that customs maps, like this when will make us forget Left4Dead-2, and keep playing, this amazing first episode.
We believe in you.
Bon courage
Please add versus mode, I haven't played coop in months now and don't intend to do so again, because coop gets really dull once you've mastered versus. The learning curve for infected is somewhat steep but once you're up there there's no way back to coop :-)
More screenshots PLEASE!!!
Where are you guys? Your campaign, content?
Let them quiet a bit. It's the holidays so they have the right to rest a little!
So they will be something sublime forces once recovered.
That's right. We are a little busy right now but don't be afraid: the developement is still going on
Good, take all the time you need. The campaigns looks good, and I like how you tried to keep it similar to Valve's campaigns.
I know I Have post recently, but this one is just to prove how i'm following you work and the impatience I have.
I'm sure you're doing the best, you have an entire community behind You.
Ne prenez pas trop de vacances quand même !!!
Waiting for news….