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I checked your page almost every day since the project started! Just finished the campaign and I loved it! Easily the best custom campaign! —MrMudd (on our website)

Releasing IHM2 1.5 for L4D2 (only)!

Posted by Marc in Development, Progress

This is it again! We are hereby releasing the last and final iteration of the Left 4 Dead 2 version of I Hate Mountains, and only the Left 4 Dead 2 version. There is no 1.5 version of the campaign for Left 4 Dead 1 (it was deemed useless since the last version works correctly)!

Once again, it took way more time than anticipated (dude, we’re way over 9 months late), but to be honest, this is just a patched release to try and fix everything that has ever been reported by players over the course of the last months (or was it years?). There was a bit of confusion in the last releases (1.3, 1.4, 1.5) but hopefully this should be the real final version. This way, we won’t exit the Left 4 Dead scene with remorses or missed expectations.

I Hate Mountains 2 Poster

This is still the exact same campaign, but with a shinny new coating slightly increasing visual aspect, optimization and gameplay topped with dozens of bug fixes (especially this nasty one about the score in versus). As far as we’re concerned, there’s nothing left to add, remove or fix and we’re calling it a day with this whole thing!

Click here to download I Hate Mountains

For help and support concerning this release, please visit:
If you can’t find help in the forums, you can always try to drop us a word here:

We hope you enjoyed I Hate Mountains, be it with the Left 4 Dead 1 or the Left 4 Dead 2 version. Feel free to drop us a word by going on the Contact Us page. All in all, a warm thank you to all of you, players, testers, helpers, fans and even haters. You truly made this whole experience a blast for the 3 of us and we’ll never forget your awesome support and feedback over the years!

Best regards,
— The I Hate Mountains Team:
— Nicolas, Marc and Geoffroy


14 Responses to “Releasing IHM2 1.5 for L4D2 (only)!”

  1. Silencer says:


  2. Trunten says:

    Now what about possibly sharing the “source files” so it could be enjoyed in Garry’s Mod with some porting done by talented people in the community. Manor especially would be lovely.

    • Nicolas says:

      Sorry but, after all these years of hard work, this is not something we’d like to do. This is a Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 campaign and we do not wish to port it to any other game for now. And if it ever happened, we’d do it ourselves anyway.

  3. HELP needed says:

    please help guys
    whenever i load the campagin game just stops no error!
    pls help

  4. Zed says:

    Congratulations and thanks a lot for this amazing campaign.

  5. Bourator says:

    I love this campaign, I love this game and for all the good work… we love you guys ! Please come back with other stuff for us to enjoy !

  6. Dimitri says:

    I can’t play it,, whenever starts the game it will closed no error

  7. beqa says:

    gadawera minda

  8. Mrig1200 says:

    When I get to second chapter it gets really laggy outside but in the house thing it plays fine?

  9. Renato says:

    If i Install a left 4 dead mod for my original l4d 2. It will mess up my l4d?

  10. Martin says:

    Congratulations and thanks a lot for this amazing campaign.

  11. Tom says:

    Great work guys!

    can you update in steam workshop?