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Played this late night and it's amazing. The levels are more detailed than any of Valve's maps and they're huge. —Einhanderkiller (

2010 Mod of the Year Awards

Posted by Nicolas in General

Hello everyone it’s Nicolas, live from Canada. Hope you had a great experience with I Hate Mountains despite our little wanderings on the update side. I’m sure Marc and Geoffroy are actively taking over the development while I’m on the other side of the world without any computer allowing me to work on the project. I’m out of my catharsis to tell you about the ModDB’s 2010 Mod of the Year Awards that take place every year at the same period (spoiler: now).

The Annual Mod of the Year Awards is the premiere event that celebrates the best creations within the modding and indie gaming scene. Developers have delivered plenty of great gameplay experiences this year, and now it is your turn as gamers to nominate and recognize the best of 2009.

From now until Feb 20th, we shall be sharing a year in review and showcasing the editors’ picks of 2010, culminating in the announcement of this year’s best mod and game as voted by you. The top mods and games will win the honors of being placed alongside other projects that have gone on to become commercial successes and cement their place in ModDB’s hall of fame.

If you liked I Hate Mountains and wish to vote for us, please do so by clicking the banner below and by voting on the next page, it’s free and you don’t have to register ! Feel free to share it on Facebook or Twitter on the next page too.
Vote for us in the ModDB 2010 Mod of the Year Awards


5 Responses to “2010 Mod of the Year Awards”

  1. The Garden says:

    oooh DeadBeforeDawn2 is also in the running, and I gotta admit I voted for both of ya! though I find it annoying to see that half of the L4D2 nominees are unreleased projects. at least DBD2 is about to be released and we’ve already played the L4D1 version so we know what to roughly expect.

  2. Lizard says:

    Awesome mod, definitely voting for you. Gotta say though…first time visit to the site(so I apologize if this comment is in an odd place), you should cut all the crap complaints about valve, what they have or haven’t done for L4D1, and how much better you think it is than L4D2. I’m not saying this because I like both games, but because as someone in the industry I can tell you that you’re taking all of your hard, professional-level work on the game and the website and throwing it out the window like a child in a temper tantrum. Seriously, it looks bad, reads bad, and does your hard work injustice. You can have your opinions, but keep them to yourselves if you ever want important people to take you seriously. It’s one thing to successfully develop a game, and another thing entirely to have good enough professional and public relations to actually get it on the market and make something of it.

    All that said, I’m going to go play it again, because it is damn well done.

  3. The Garden says:

    Lol Lizard, feel free to remind them that L4D1 is obsolete, that’s why everyone is porting their stuff to L4D2, including Valveboys themselves. No Mercy and Sacrifice were the first, the rest should follow soon, it’s practically a done deal.

  4. Mike says:

    What’s wrong with them voicing their opinions of being L4D fans and enjoying L4D more? It’s not like we are buying this they are just fans who want to add new stuff to the games. Now if they were making a game and selling it that would be bad to say but they are not. This is a community campaign made by fans and they are allowed to say whatever they want.

    For the record I LOVE L4D AND L4D2. They are both amazing games and I don’t know why people bash on L4D or L4D2 and their fans of either. I also don’t see why people feel like they have to only play one or the other. Personally I like L4D more as well and I’m guilty of complaining about what happened to L4D1 from time to time but I think everyone needs to realize what they love so much about either game in the first place and stop all the negativity I see everywhere. So I guess in some ways I do agree with you Lizard.

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