I can’t believe we’re already the 4th of June 2010.
Guess what happens today…
at some point of the day…
later this evening…
around 8pm GMT…
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New particle effects and many custom models have been thrown into IHM to make it a tremendously polished product which could easily be mistaken for an official Valve campaign. —Glenn (www.halflife2.net)
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YAAY !! :D
OMG, is this the end of the world?
Super esprit en tout cas, j’adore et je brûle d’impatience !! Toute la team va sauter dessus !
Aujourd’hui hein ?
Le 4 juin ?
Vraiment ?
‘tin les gars vous êtes trop bons si c’est vrai ^^ … c’est mon anniversaire aujourd’hui, ce serait un super cadeau !!!
You wouldn’t believe how perfect the timing of this release is for me and my friends. It is indeed going to be a good weekend. Cheers guys, merci beaucoup, maple syrup and moose for everyone!
I hope you’ll release it as a torrent too on launch. Would hate to see your servers fall over because of the load and nobody able to download it until that’s fixed. Or download it at 5kb/s or so because of the hundreds of concurrent downloaders :)
est ce que 20h00 gmt (+1) ou (+2) pour la france je c’est pu lol
22h pour la France
F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 !!!!
No need to F5 like crazy, there’s still 2 hours left.
Ohmygoshness, ONE HOUR LEFT! :D
still holding breath… whole family turning blue… gonna be a lan party tonight
official posted torrent release is great idea, keep it coordinated, so many early d/l’ers can share the burden for all. glad to seed for a while.
1 hour left! Oh, my… It’s comming out??? Is it really happening to me? xD
Je viens de me refaire portal prelude, juste pour me rappeler ô combien ça risque d’être AWESOME§
merci d’avance ;p
what’s the time in france?
it’s 20:10, so 1 hour remaining (?)
It is 20h16 here, not 22h ! :-D
Be patient, it is comming, hehe
Don’t forget that DST (daylight saving time) adds one hour.
i’m curious if their servers hold up.hope so :)
Is it released ?
Not yet, still 1h30.
Votre trailer est très alléchant, j’ai suivi avec intérêt les news par rapport au développement de cette campagne. Elle m’a tout simplement l’air d’être une bombe et va se hisser en haut du top 3 des maps customs avec Death Aboard et Suicide Blitz.
J’ai hâte que vous la sortiez :)
Bon, un week end ou je vais devoir tester à fond la campagne^^
Just half an hour to the release!
20:40 nothing :(
20:40 is not the GMT time.
10 minutes…
22:50 in Saratov, Russia… :-)
10 minutes to 9PM :) RELEASE PLIS!!
Valve Time ;)
I hate waiting !
yeah 20h00 :D
21:05 in spain and 20:05 PM in the GTM but nothing :(