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Overwhelming support

Posted by Marc in Development, Progress


Just curious…

Ok fine! I know what we said, we were supposed to be in vacations for a week after the release of the video trailer, but well… I guess it’s stronger than us, we had to put our noses in every forum topic, in every news and every article that talked about us to reply to people and give our opinions. We’re also gathering sponsors for the release and that’s good news, we’ll try to send them a preview version beforehand so that they can comment about it.

General progress

Unfortunately we’ve also been working on the campaign even though we said we won’t, I guess the link is too hard to be broken that easily. We found some minor issues that wouldn’t have impaired the gameplay but well… while we were at it, we fix them. The software freeze should occur tomorrow though, so that won’t be happening anymore.


Well, I just wanted to say that we opened our forums after the release of the trailer so you can head over there and ask your questions on a decent support instead of using blog commentaries all over the Internet.

Bonus section

Also, we’ve been working on this bonus section for the website. It will go live just after the release. You’ll have to find the password in the campaign to open it, but I think we already talked about it. Just for your eyes, here’s a sneak peak into this bonus section you can’t access for the moment:

Bonus section preview


25 Responses to “Overwhelming support”

  1. aragorn says:

    i’ll enjoy very much this bonus feature!
    what kind os sponsors are u guys tryin’? like famous games sites?

  2. Name (required) says:

    how about sending the campagin to gaming sites so they can review it?
    gamespot, gametrailers, kotaku and so on…

  3. sebh says:

    Again, huge congrats for your work!
    And the bonus section looks awesome! :)

  4. Holger says:

    I think the campaign will be very great stuff for l4D!
    I think a good way to make the campaign popular is, to give the community a nice spray logo about I hate Mountains with the web-adress. So every L4D1 oder L4D2-Player can use it to bring the campain in the mind of other players. (sorry for my bad english)

  5. BigDaddy says:

    Great job guys, can’t wait for it anymore, just one question – is it gonna be released for both l4d’s or later for the second one?Thanks in advance!

    • crowbar says:

      first it will be released for the first one.
      not sure wether the devs are going to make a L4D2 version

  6. Mahlzeit says:

    You might wanna make the 2 most important german gamesites aware of your campaign (you dont need to speak german for that)

    They sometimes inform about custom campaigns there :-)

  7. Mahlzeit says:

    here are their emailadresses:

  8. Anomen says:

    The image you linked in the blog post is protected by the .htaccess password.

  9. said says:

    I am part of the waypc community of L4d and L4d2 we are very excited about the release and hoping we can put your campaign very soon in our severs (that depend on the admins decitions) but many of us will ask to the admins to put it right away because of the quality of it.

    Tks for this great effort. I wish Valve guys could have this same care for making their maps.

    Good luck with the release

  10. Nathanial says:

    Salut les IHM !

    C’est marrant mais en lisant votre interview, j’ai pas du tout été surpris de lire que vous vous êtes inspiré des screens de Alan Wake. On sent bien la ressemblance !

    Sinon, le trailer est magnifique et on a tous hate de voir la campagne en action ! Merci pour les heures passées sur ce gros boulot.

    On croise les doigts pour une sortie prochaine ! Bye

  11. Doc says:

    L’attente m’a rendu un peu fou, mais on est enfin arriver au bout du tunnel…

  12. I’d like to say that you always offer valid information and I have been an fascinated reader of your site for quite some time. I wanted to say thankyou really :) for all the good work you do!

  13. Joanna Wall says:

    I am part of the waypc community of L4d and L4d2 we are very excited about the release and hoping we can put your campaign very soon in our severs (that depend on the admins decitions) but many of us will ask to the admins to put it right away because of the quality of it. Tks for this great effort. I wish Valve guys could have this same care for making their maps. Good luck with the release

  14. karl denielle says:

    the new campaigns of this “I hate mountains” are awesome, I could even imagine playing it for long hours, new places but still the same enemies usually encountered from the old versions of l4d. Anyway what matter most now are the new campaigns!