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New particle effects and many custom models have been thrown into IHM to make it a tremendously polished product which could easily be mistaken for an official Valve campaign. —Glenn (

Hang on tight!

Posted by Nicolas in Lamentation

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We know it’s been seriously quiet there since mid-may regarding new materials, but don’t panic! We’ll have plenty of new things to announce in the upcoming weeks. No, not a release date unfortunately, but some crusty details about the manor (exterior detailling stuff), the lumberyard (progress stuff), the lakeside (progress stuff), the forest (gameplay stuff) and the underground (ambience stuff).

And if you’re patient enough, we might even release some details about the music and a super-secret-new-poster-because-the-current-is-not-cool-enough. But shhht! Nothing’s really fixed for the moment. If you’re really patient, we might even whine and lament on one or two things (one of them beeing Valve, of course)!

Stay tuned for more developer banter coming soon!

Edit: As you may have noticed it, there’s still no news for the moment. The reason is simple, I suffered a very bad lungs accident a few weeks ago and had to be hospitalized for a while. I’m now in the process of cancelling my trip to USA next month because of the damn utterly expensive american medical system :D
I can’t take the risk of beeing indebted for the rest of my life for the moment.


40 Responses to “Hang on tight!”

  1. Yotho says:

    Cela fait 3 semaines que nous bavons derrière nos écrans ! pleaaaase more screenshot ! vous êtes la meilleur campagne amateur pour l4D à mes yeux !

  2. Zac says:

    Sorry to hear about your recent hospitalization. I wish you a healthy and speedy recovery! Take Care!

  3. Kondor7 says:

    Bon rétablissement à toi Nicolas(?).

    La santé prime avant tout, tu auras sûrement l'occasion de refaire ce voyage ! Courage !

  4. Anonymous says:

    yaya… u will dont done this map … kickass the fans… kkthxbye

  5. Neil says:

    shit…! get well soon…!

  6. [Blast]NostraDamus says:

    Bon rétablissement!

    Nous pensons régulièrement à votre travail en tout cas, et en tant que joueurs et mappeurs, on ne se fait pas de soucis : votre campagne va être extra!

    A bientôt et Bon courage.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Soo….Got voice actors?

    Oh I know.

    Zoey : Microsoft Anna

    Bill, Louis, Francis : Microsoft Sam


  8. Harry says:

    I'm trying to hang on as much as possible, but the anticipation's driving me nuts! LoL. Do you guys happen to have an estimate? I mean, I don't want you guys to rush it, but any guesstimated date for arrival would be awesome, because I will probably be taking that day off from work.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Can we please get some news about this?

  10. Anonymous says:


  11. Anonymous says:

    Stop asking for news. read the edit:
    Edit: As you may have noticed it, there's still no news for the moment. The reason is simple, I suffered a very bad lungs accident a few weeks ago and had to be hospitalized for a while. I'm now in the process of cancelling my trip to USA next month because of the damn utterly expensive american medical system :D
    I can't take the risk of beeing indebted for the rest of my life for the moment.

  12. Sorry to hear that. :( Get well soon.

  13. vince&emi says:

    Hi dude,
    I hope you're getting better and better every day.
    This summer will not remind as your best summer ever.
    C'est la vie :(

    Remets toi vite, le plus important c'est ta santé, le reste n'est que du bonus.


  14. Jihen says:

    I hate bad lungs accidents…

    Enfin bon rétablissement, et en attendant on sécurise la zone. Il ne faudrait pas que les zombies de L4D2 viennent nous casser les pieds.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Hey dude, your campaign looks amazing. i wish you all the best, hope you get better soon. greetz from the netherlands