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Back on the rails

Posted by Marc in Lamentation, Progress

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It’s been a while since we last updated this blog with real content about the campaign and not just some random banter. It’s been a while but that’s it, the campaign is back on the rails. Geoffroy and Nicolas just finished their school year and I’m back from a little mapping rest. We’re getting back to work, even if Valve seems to hate us, poor Left 4 Dead mappers, since they broke the SDK (again) and left the model browser lying in pieces since the last update (using the regular SDK).

During the last week, each one of us worked hard. The forest (first map) is finished, the manor (second map) is nearly finished, we’re currently editing its navigation mesh. The third map is finished, the fourth is progressing quickly and the fifth too.

That’s all for the moment. And if you think this news is a bit poor, head over to the Bioh4zard 2 website. These folks are building a promising campaign around the Resident Evil universe and they seem to know what they’re doing. Check out their trailer.

EDIT 8:30pm
We found a fix for the model browser bug, see the comments if you want to know what to do, since ydna summed it up for us.


13 Responses to “Back on the rails”

  1. Zecomm says:

    Great to see you guys back to developing! I think its more promising than that Biohard 2 mod.

  2. ydna says:

    Did you get the SDK model browser to work? I know a fix,I haven't tested it yet but a lot of people said it works.

    Basically, you can extract the mdlpickerscreencaps.res file from the Team Fortress 2 GCF and put it into the resource folder from l4d, or at least it is how to get other games working.

    You can also find this file on the web, I lost my link.

  3. Nicolas says:

    Yep, that's it. We found this fix a few hours ago.

  4. Zac says:

    Thanks Guys, I'll return the favor via bioh4zard2 with a small update in the next few days. Add me on Steam if you want to talk more. Contact details are on the site. Thanks!

  5. Smokeyoliv says:

    Me and my friends are really excited by your project.
    I hope it will respond to the long Lasting, and may be the start of something else, with L4D.
    Don't car about Valve did, with L4D-2, we want more content for the first one, i'm sure, we won't be disappointed.
    just hoping, we will find good servers to play on it.
    Bon courage pour le reste du boulot et FĂ©licitations.

  6. SR69MM-JC says:

    awesome! nice to know 2/5 maps are finished (almost 3/5!). please make a teaser video of finished maps, we watched your screenshots a lot of times and we really want to watch new screens/videos :P good job guys, i hope you will release the campaign as soon as possible!

  7. antonl says:

    Keep going guys and take your time to finetune this campaign.
    Thanks for doing for free something that we paid Valve to do :)

  8. Anonymous says:

    Exactly. Thanks for your efforts toward the L4d community.

    There are few promising class AAA campaigns that we know about.

    That is

    – I hate mountanins

    – Dead Before Dawn

    – Bioh4zard – Resident Evil

    – Yama.

    If all the four are delivered, the community will dupplicate the ammount of content in l4d.
    So, take the time needed for your works and thanks again.

  9. voythas says:

    Thank you guys for info about our campaign (Bioh4zard2)!

    Oh and sweet that you are back on track with your own one!
    Great news.

    Regards – voythas.

  10. defme says:

    Thank you IHATEMOUNTAINS team. Looking forward to checking this out at release.

  11. stocker says:

    Will you be making I hate Mountains for Versus as well?

  12. mystrdat says:

    One of the most anticipated projects for L4D in my opinion – that is if VS mode is made.

  13. Nicolas says:

    We're still thinking about it. We're pretty sure it won't be released with the first version, but that don't mean we won't release it ever.