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After playing through the campaign, we must admit we are impressed. Right from the beginning, it showed off impressive amounts of quality. We are eagerly looking forward to the full release. —FilePlanet Staff (by e-mail)

Left 4 Dead Authoring Tools

Posted by Nicolas in Development, Lamentation

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All right, you can stop sending us e-mails to say that the Left 4 Dead SDK was released yesterday, we already know it. We’re actively following what’s going on in Valve’s universe day after day and downloaded it as soon as it came out.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t add anything useful to us for the moment, simply because we made our own SDK during this 6 month wait and because the Left 4 Dead Authoring Tools doesn’t provide anything more for the moment. Basically, it’s just a renamed Source SDK. For the moment, we didn’t investigate much, but it looks like all the changes are more or less to make the old tools compatible with the new Left 4 Dead Source engine, to release the same old particle editor and to copy/paste the Valve Developer Community’s tutorials into the Left 4 Dead folder.

We’ll see how it goes, but as far as I can tell, we’ll only use one file from the Left 4 Dead Authoring Tools, the editor’s official entity list configuration file: left4dead.fgd. The Sketchup plugin looks cool too, but we’d really prefer a plugin that would allow us to export Sketchup models directly into Source models using a GUI, because Sketchup always allowed us to export in a random format (well, the professional version does it) and then convert it into an SMD file using XSI Mod Tools.

Anyway, there is no revolution for the moment. We are more eager for them to update the matchmaking system and I bet this release won’t change much for us. At least until the SDK is fully finished and polished. Then we may see tools like the ones everyone thought they would add. But I’m getting a bit bitchy there :D


4 Responses to “Left 4 Dead Authoring Tools”

  1. 000dom000 says:

    Nice, thanks for the update you guys!

  2. CosmicD says:

    Damn yeah, where are the movie maker and the crecendo editor ?

    ANyway i just picked up news on this new campaign. I’m curious how it will be once it’s released :)

  3. -TESTAMENT- says:

    Dude ) Can’t wait when u’ll finish this campaigne ;)
    I just want you to know, that Russian L4D-Support community are impatiently waiting for your release )))

    Sorry for some mistakes in my language ^.~

  4. Jaggernaut says:

    Круто! Давайте побыстрее! Играть хочется!!!!)))))))))))))